最新狀況 upcoming
‘Ink Art and New Music’ Creative Exchange Project
Composing for Mixed Ensemble of Chinese and Western Instruments
A Creative Exchange Project between the US-China Music Institute of the Bard Conservatory of Music, the University of Hong Kong, and M+, Hong Kong.
Composing for Mixed Ensemble of Chinese and Western Instruments
A Creative Exchange Project between the US-China Music Institute of the Bard Conservatory of Music, the University of Hong Kong, and M+, Hong Kong.
This creative exchange project aims to explore the aesthetic commonality and discover the innovative potential of Ink Art and New Music. Through lectures, mentorships, commissions, and performances, this multi-phase series hopes to connect creative, knowledgeable, and curious minds and encourage meaningful conversations and new compositions.
Phase one of the project was commenced in September 2021 with four virtual lectures, conducted in a masterclass style, on composing for mixed ensembles inspired by ink art. Dr. Lesley Ma (M+, Hong Kong), Dr. Yeung-ping Chen (South China Normal University), Prof. Chan Hing-yan (HKU), and Dr. Yiwen Shen (The Tianjin Juilliard School) each delivered a lecture to their mentees, the four outstanding composition students selected from Bard and HKU.
Phase two is a two-day conference titled Ink and Sound: a Conference on Chinese Music and Visual Arts, to be held at the Bard Conservatory in the U.S. in April 2022. The new compositions by the selected students and their mentors will be premiered by musicians of the Bard Conservatory during the conference.
Phase one of the project was commenced in September 2021 with four virtual lectures, conducted in a masterclass style, on composing for mixed ensembles inspired by ink art. Dr. Lesley Ma (M+, Hong Kong), Dr. Yeung-ping Chen (South China Normal University), Prof. Chan Hing-yan (HKU), and Dr. Yiwen Shen (The Tianjin Juilliard School) each delivered a lecture to their mentees, the four outstanding composition students selected from Bard and HKU.
Phase two is a two-day conference titled Ink and Sound: a Conference on Chinese Music and Visual Arts, to be held at the Bard Conservatory in the U.S. in April 2022. The new compositions by the selected students and their mentors will be premiered by musicians of the Bard Conservatory during the conference.
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《水墨藝術與新音樂》學生作品首演 8 APR 2022 | FRI | 7-8PM (EST)/ 9 APR 2022 | SAT | 7-8AM (HKT) Location: László Z. Bitó ‘60 Conservatory Building, Bard College Free and open to the public. Event will be live-streamed on YouTube. 免費音樂會設網上同步直播 Link: https://youtu.be/pNvMhbXs9k8 |
《水墨藝術與新音樂》導師委約作品首演 9 APR 2022 | SAT | 8-9:30PM (EST) 10 APR 2022 | SUN | 8-9:30AM (HKT) Location: Olin Hall, Bard College Free and open to the public. Event will be live-streamed on YouTube. 免費音樂會設網上同步直播 Link: https://youtu.be/g3RTimYHY88 |
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M+ 夏令營 2018 ─ 非非
「M+ 夏令營」是 M+ 博物館專為青少年而設的活動。今年的夏令營主題為「非非」,希望年輕人在尋找未來路向或探索自我的過程中,想入非非,以創意思維衝破單一的生活模式及價值觀,並重新思考創作的本質和不同領域創作的可能性。創作可以既天馬行空,又貼近生活嗎?──在日常生活中,周遭環境的聲音也可以成為藝術作品嗎?建築物能訴說故事嗎?社交平台可以是水墨畫家的靈感泉源嗎?視覺藝術、設計、建築、插畫及流動影像等不同文化領域的創作人,將在夏令營中挑戰年輕人對創作的既定想法,讓他們透過不同的試驗實現創意,把非非之想融入日常。
2018 年 8 月 12 日至 8 月 15 日
2018 年 8 月 12 日至 8 月 15 日
M+ Summer Camp 2018: far out
M+ Summer Camp is a youth-targeted initiative organised by M+. With the theme of ‘far out’, this year’s summer camp inspires young people to think freely when in search of future directions or in their exploration of their own sense of self, to break free from homogeneous lifestyles and values and to rethink the nature of creative practices and the possibilities of cross-disciplinary approaches. Can art making be a flight of imagination and be connected to real life at the same time? Can the sound in our surroundings become a work of art? Can architecture tell stories? Can social media platforms be a source of inspiration for ink painters? At this summer camp, practitioners in the fields of visual art, design, architecture, illustration, and moving image will challenge the common conceptions of creative practices, and let young people realise their creative thoughts through different experiments, merging whimsical endeavors with the everyday.
In Chinese, the summer camp’s theme is feifei (非非), and the word fei (非) on its own suggests negation. The repetition of fei may at first glance suggest a double negative, but we hope to show that it does not always mean ‘yes’—just as the world is not one thing or the other, nor is it black or white. We can open up boundless possibilities, if we only break away from binary mindsets and see the world from different perspectives. Between black and white, there are countless shades of grey that can coalesce into a dynamic picture.
Just like the previous three summer camps, one hundred secondary-school students and arts practitioners will come together for a four-day camp this summer, on a shared journey of exploration, conversations, fun, and experience. The inspirations of one hundred people might not create immediate change, but over these four days of creative freedom, we hope young people can let their imaginations run free, to bring home different approaches and attitudes to being alive to the world and to see their wildest dreams become reality one day.
Camp activities include indoor and outdoor workshops, talks, sharing sessions, and performances conducted in small groups or all together. Participants can choose workshops according to their interests and shape their own camp experience. M+ Summer Camp welcomes young people who are adventurous, open-minded, and curious about the world around them. No prior knowledge of arts and crafts is needed.
12 – 15 August 2018
Camp Location:
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp
Target Participants:
Local students currently in Secondary 4 to Secondary 6
In Chinese, the summer camp’s theme is feifei (非非), and the word fei (非) on its own suggests negation. The repetition of fei may at first glance suggest a double negative, but we hope to show that it does not always mean ‘yes’—just as the world is not one thing or the other, nor is it black or white. We can open up boundless possibilities, if we only break away from binary mindsets and see the world from different perspectives. Between black and white, there are countless shades of grey that can coalesce into a dynamic picture.
Just like the previous three summer camps, one hundred secondary-school students and arts practitioners will come together for a four-day camp this summer, on a shared journey of exploration, conversations, fun, and experience. The inspirations of one hundred people might not create immediate change, but over these four days of creative freedom, we hope young people can let their imaginations run free, to bring home different approaches and attitudes to being alive to the world and to see their wildest dreams become reality one day.
Camp activities include indoor and outdoor workshops, talks, sharing sessions, and performances conducted in small groups or all together. Participants can choose workshops according to their interests and shape their own camp experience. M+ Summer Camp welcomes young people who are adventurous, open-minded, and curious about the world around them. No prior knowledge of arts and crafts is needed.
12 – 15 August 2018
Camp Location:
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp
Target Participants:
Local students currently in Secondary 4 to Secondary 6
地址:中國北京市朝陽區機場輔路草場地藝術區紅一號B1, 郵編100015
地址:中國北京市朝陽區機場輔路草場地藝術區紅一號B1, 郵編100015
Luminous Shadows
November 18, 2017 - January 19, 2018
INK studio, Beijing
Michael Cherney, Huang Zhiyang, Hung Fai, Hung Keung, Li Huasheng, Li Jin, Cindy Ng
Curator: Alan Yeung
A painted rock bleeds as living flesh across sheets of paper. A quivering line gives form to the nuances of meditative experience. The veiled light of an icon radiates through the near-instantaneous marks by a pilgrim’s hand. The group exhibition Luminous Shadows explores spirituality and transcendence in the sensory engagement with the material world. Each of the eight participating artists calls attention to the embodied experience of space and time, recuperating dimensions of art repressed by a modern aesthetics of detached contemplation. The work of art is here ritualized anew as a vehicle for salvation and awakening, a self-conscious theatrical illusion, a sensuous body of pleasure and pain, and an object of pious devotion and yearning.
Organized as a series of shrine-like enclosures, Luminous Shadows is inspired by the cave as a primordial site of image-making and beholding. At once concrete and ethereal, the cave both heightens interiority and encourages dream-like wanderings into worlds beyond. It is an archetypal space of the Buddhist icon: Shakyamuni once miraculously imprinted his own “shadow image” in a cliff-side grotto. Radiant and reflective like a mirror from afar, this image would disappear into the blank rocky surface upon approach. Encompassing rubbing, wall painting, soundscape, and manipulations of perspective and light, the works in Luminous Shadows draw on the physical, sensorial, and conceptual ambiguities of the cave.
Hung Fai (b. 1988, Hong Kong) ritually enacts and dissolves the violence of patriarchal authority in his laborious stippling of a rock painted by his father. Li Jin (b. 1958, Tianjin) reproduces a Dunhuang mural depicting compassionate self-sacrifice, expressing his own piety through utmost faithfulness to its weathered surface and faded pigments. The pilgrim-painter Hung Keung (b. 1970, Kunming) captures his fleeting encounters with enshrined icons with ink-stained fingers. Here presented as an immersive installation, Michael Cherney’s (b. 1969, New York) photographs reconstruct auratic ruins of Buddhist grottos through the material artifacts of film and xuan paper.
In Jennifer Ma’s (b. 1973, Beijing) installation, light and glass repeatedly coalesce into an illusionary landscape before dissolving in a reflective ink pool. Cindy Ng’s (b. 1966, Macau) video presents a theater of liquid traces, inviting and frustrating the desire for narrative and character. A shamanistic connoisseur of archaic stone and jade artifacts, Huang Zhiyang (b. 1965, Taipei) channels in painting and sculpture their mystical energies. Inspired by the landscape and religiosity of Tibet, Li Huasheng’s (b. 1944, Yibin, Sichuan) vast hand-drawn grids and lines oscillate between surface and depth, the infinite and the infinitesimal.
Accompanied by video and material documentation of the artists’ processes, Luminous Shadows presses on the question of agency and medium at the heart of the Shadow Cave lore. Does the power of images derive from material constitution, spatial and ritual context, the object of representation, or the devotion of the maker or beholder? Or is it precisely the indeterminacy between them?
Red No. 1-B1, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100015
Tuesday - Sunday 10.00am - 6.00pm
November 18, 2017 - January 19, 2018
INK studio, Beijing
Michael Cherney, Huang Zhiyang, Hung Fai, Hung Keung, Li Huasheng, Li Jin, Cindy Ng
Curator: Alan Yeung
A painted rock bleeds as living flesh across sheets of paper. A quivering line gives form to the nuances of meditative experience. The veiled light of an icon radiates through the near-instantaneous marks by a pilgrim’s hand. The group exhibition Luminous Shadows explores spirituality and transcendence in the sensory engagement with the material world. Each of the eight participating artists calls attention to the embodied experience of space and time, recuperating dimensions of art repressed by a modern aesthetics of detached contemplation. The work of art is here ritualized anew as a vehicle for salvation and awakening, a self-conscious theatrical illusion, a sensuous body of pleasure and pain, and an object of pious devotion and yearning.
Organized as a series of shrine-like enclosures, Luminous Shadows is inspired by the cave as a primordial site of image-making and beholding. At once concrete and ethereal, the cave both heightens interiority and encourages dream-like wanderings into worlds beyond. It is an archetypal space of the Buddhist icon: Shakyamuni once miraculously imprinted his own “shadow image” in a cliff-side grotto. Radiant and reflective like a mirror from afar, this image would disappear into the blank rocky surface upon approach. Encompassing rubbing, wall painting, soundscape, and manipulations of perspective and light, the works in Luminous Shadows draw on the physical, sensorial, and conceptual ambiguities of the cave.
Hung Fai (b. 1988, Hong Kong) ritually enacts and dissolves the violence of patriarchal authority in his laborious stippling of a rock painted by his father. Li Jin (b. 1958, Tianjin) reproduces a Dunhuang mural depicting compassionate self-sacrifice, expressing his own piety through utmost faithfulness to its weathered surface and faded pigments. The pilgrim-painter Hung Keung (b. 1970, Kunming) captures his fleeting encounters with enshrined icons with ink-stained fingers. Here presented as an immersive installation, Michael Cherney’s (b. 1969, New York) photographs reconstruct auratic ruins of Buddhist grottos through the material artifacts of film and xuan paper.
In Jennifer Ma’s (b. 1973, Beijing) installation, light and glass repeatedly coalesce into an illusionary landscape before dissolving in a reflective ink pool. Cindy Ng’s (b. 1966, Macau) video presents a theater of liquid traces, inviting and frustrating the desire for narrative and character. A shamanistic connoisseur of archaic stone and jade artifacts, Huang Zhiyang (b. 1965, Taipei) channels in painting and sculpture their mystical energies. Inspired by the landscape and religiosity of Tibet, Li Huasheng’s (b. 1944, Yibin, Sichuan) vast hand-drawn grids and lines oscillate between surface and depth, the infinite and the infinitesimal.
Accompanied by video and material documentation of the artists’ processes, Luminous Shadows presses on the question of agency and medium at the heart of the Shadow Cave lore. Does the power of images derive from material constitution, spatial and ritual context, the object of representation, or the devotion of the maker or beholder? Or is it precisely the indeterminacy between them?
Red No. 1-B1, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100015
Tuesday - Sunday 10.00am - 6.00pm
「水墨」泛指亞洲傳統書法及山水畫,但M+ 的思維更廣:水墨不單為媒介,也是當代視覺文化中重要的美學。過去六十多年間,藝術家紛紛重新審視書法和山水畫兩大傳統水墨主流的實踐和概念。他們受時代背景影響,並融會個人經驗,發展出新的表現方式和技巧。故水墨美學的詮釋與應用,因人因地,產生不同風貌。
西九文化區M+ 展亭
- 「字跡、符號、筆劃」探究藝術家如何透過叛離、重新詮釋與創造,從事書寫或塗繪點和線,直接或間接地與書法及繪畫對話。
- 「山水的念頭」,表現山水和它所啟發的形形色色當代藝術表達。
- 「物.外」探討藝術家研究墨、水和紙的物質性,進而追求精神性而富於想像力和詩意的作品。
西九文化區M+ 展亭
While ink art generally refers to visual works with lineage to ink painting and calligraphy in the Asian tradition, M+ is taking a more expansive view with The Weight of Lightness, which will present a transnational, interdisciplinary perspective on ink art from the 1960s to the present day. Throughout this period, artists have examined the practices and concepts of traditional ink art to develop new expressions and techniques influenced by their environments, personal experiences and artistic tendencies from outside their own cultures. These experimentations have resulted in varied applications and interpretations of the ink aesthetic, blossoming in different geographic locations and under different political, social and individual circumstances.
The Weight of Lightness explores how ink art is not only a medium, but also a crucial aesthetic in contemporary visual culture. Featuring works in various media including painting, calligraphy, installation, photography and moving image that demonstrate artists’ diverse explorations. Nearly 60 works by 42 artists from more than 10 regions – representing Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, India, the US, Spain and more – will be on display.
The exhibition’s title illustrates the tension at the core of ink art between the material and the spiritual. This relationship permeates the three thematic sections of the exhibition:
Exhibition period:
13 October 2017 – 14 January 2018
11 am – 6 pm
Wednesday to Sunday and public holidays
Closed on 25 December 2017 and 1 January 2018
M+ Pavilion, WKCD
The Weight of Lightness explores how ink art is not only a medium, but also a crucial aesthetic in contemporary visual culture. Featuring works in various media including painting, calligraphy, installation, photography and moving image that demonstrate artists’ diverse explorations. Nearly 60 works by 42 artists from more than 10 regions – representing Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, India, the US, Spain and more – will be on display.
The exhibition’s title illustrates the tension at the core of ink art between the material and the spiritual. This relationship permeates the three thematic sections of the exhibition:
- ‘Scripts, Symbols, Strokes’ showcases how artists channel their communicative impulses through writing, gesturing and mark-making in direct or implicit dialogue with the arts of calligraphy and drawing.
- ‘Desire for Landscape’ studies how landscape, arguably the most explored genre of the East Asian painting tradition, continues to inspire a wide range of artistic expressions.
- ‘Beyond Material’ focuses on the notions of transformation and transcendence by showing artistic investigations in the materiality of ink, water and paper, and by exploring the emotional and philosophical dimensions of ink beyond the physical world.
Exhibition period:
13 October 2017 – 14 January 2018
11 am – 6 pm
Wednesday to Sunday and public holidays
Closed on 25 December 2017 and 1 January 2018
M+ Pavilion, WKCD
VENUE | Liang Yi Museum, 181-199 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
EXHIBITION PERIOD | 19-22 October 2016
OPENING HOURS | Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00AM - 6:00 PM
TICKET PRICE | Free Entry (Pre-registration is required)
OPENING RECEPTION | Tuesday 18 October 2016, 6:00PM - 8:00 PM
RSVP | [email protected] (RSVP is required)
Futuristic Ink projects perspectives of the future, and launches the visitor on a journey forwards through time. Hong Kong artists will explore new interpretations of our heritage, pioneering creative chapters in video, sculpture, machinery, horticulture (and paper!).
Presented by Asia Ink Research and co-curated by acclaimed multi-media artist Hung Keung and Henrietta Tsui-Leung, Futuristic Ink forms part of the 2016 Hong Kong Culture Festival. The show presents ten audacious, dynamic innovators whose charismatic output anticipates the future... and re-imagines the present.
You are cordially invited to join us at the Liang Yi Museum for our opening celebration on Tuesday, October 18 from 6pm to 8pm. Futuristic Ink will run at the museum from Wednesday, October 19 to Saturday, October 22.
FEATURED ARTISTS | Benny Au, Chan Ka Kei, Halley Cheng, Ho Kwun Ting, Hung Fai, Hung Keung, Hanison Lau Hok Shing, Cindy Ng Sio Ieng, Tristan Ng Sum Chi and Wong Chung Yu.
EXHIBITION PERIOD | 19-22 October 2016
OPENING HOURS | Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00AM - 6:00 PM
TICKET PRICE | Free Entry (Pre-registration is required)
OPENING RECEPTION | Tuesday 18 October 2016, 6:00PM - 8:00 PM
RSVP | [email protected] (RSVP is required)
Futuristic Ink projects perspectives of the future, and launches the visitor on a journey forwards through time. Hong Kong artists will explore new interpretations of our heritage, pioneering creative chapters in video, sculpture, machinery, horticulture (and paper!).
Presented by Asia Ink Research and co-curated by acclaimed multi-media artist Hung Keung and Henrietta Tsui-Leung, Futuristic Ink forms part of the 2016 Hong Kong Culture Festival. The show presents ten audacious, dynamic innovators whose charismatic output anticipates the future... and re-imagines the present.
You are cordially invited to join us at the Liang Yi Museum for our opening celebration on Tuesday, October 18 from 6pm to 8pm. Futuristic Ink will run at the museum from Wednesday, October 19 to Saturday, October 22.
FEATURED ARTISTS | Benny Au, Chan Ka Kei, Halley Cheng, Ho Kwun Ting, Hung Fai, Hung Keung, Hanison Lau Hok Shing, Cindy Ng Sio Ieng, Tristan Ng Sum Chi and Wong Chung Yu.
地址 | 兩依藏博物館-香港上環荷里活道181-199號
展期 | 2016年10月19日-22日 時間 | 星期二-星期六,上午10時-下午6時
門票 | 免費入場(必須預先登記)
開幕酒會 | 2016年10月18日(星期二),下午6-8時
開幕典禮 | 下午6時30分
RSVP | [email protected] (必須登記入場)
衷心歡迎你前來兩依藏博物館參加我們於10月18日(星期二)下午6 - 8時舉行的「墨啟未來」開幕酒會。「墨啟未來」將於10月19日(星期三)至10月22日(星期六)在博物館舉行。
參展藝術家 | 區德誠,陳家祺,鄭哈雷,何冠廷,熊輝,洪強,劉學成,吳少英,吳森枝和黃琮瑜
展期 | 2016年10月19日-22日 時間 | 星期二-星期六,上午10時-下午6時
門票 | 免費入場(必須預先登記)
開幕酒會 | 2016年10月18日(星期二),下午6-8時
開幕典禮 | 下午6時30分
RSVP | [email protected] (必須登記入場)
衷心歡迎你前來兩依藏博物館參加我們於10月18日(星期二)下午6 - 8時舉行的「墨啟未來」開幕酒會。「墨啟未來」將於10月19日(星期三)至10月22日(星期六)在博物館舉行。
參展藝術家 | 區德誠,陳家祺,鄭哈雷,何冠廷,熊輝,洪強,劉學成,吳少英,吳森枝和黃琮瑜
2-5 October 2016, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth H1 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
2-5 October 2016, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth H1 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
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Art Basel - Hong Kong 2016
24 -26 May 2014 ,presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hall 1D Booth 37 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
水墨藝博 2015
Ink Asia 2015
18-20 December, 2015, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at Hall 3G of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
台北國際藝術博覽會 2015
30 October - 2 November 2015, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth C14 of Taipei World Trade Center, Exhibition Hall One NO.5, Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec 5, Taipei City 11011, Taiwan
30 October - 2 November 2015, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth C14 of Taipei World Trade Center, Exhibition Hall One NO.5, Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec 5, Taipei City 11011, Taiwan
4-7 October 2015, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth H1 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
4-7 October 2015, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth H1 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Date: 17 September, 2015
Moderator: Maria Mok, Curator of Hong Kong Museum of Art
Conducted in Cantonese
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Moderator: Maria Mok, Curator of Hong Kong Museum of Art
Conducted in Cantonese
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Art Basel - Hong Kong 2015
15 -17 March 2015 ,presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at Hall 1 / 1B30, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
at Hall 1 / 1B30, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
4-7 October 2014, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at Hall 5BC Booth H3, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
4-7 October 2014, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at Hall 5BC Booth H3, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
Art Basel - Hong Kong 2014
15 -18 May 2014 ,presented by Grotto Fine Art, Hall 1B Booth 31 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Movement – Hung Fai
展覽日期:2014 年 4 月 24 日至 5 月 10 日
開放時間:早上 11 時至晚上 7 時 (週日及公眾假期休息)
展覽地點:嘉圖現代藝術 Grotto Fine Art–中環雲咸街 31 號 C-D 2 樓
開幕時間:2014 年 4 月 23 日 (三) 下午 5 時 30 分至 8 時
開放時間:早上 11 時至晚上 7 時 (週日及公眾假期休息)
展覽地點:嘉圖現代藝術 Grotto Fine Art–中環雲咸街 31 號 C-D 2 樓
開幕時間:2014 年 4 月 23 日 (三) 下午 5 時 30 分至 8 時
Date: April 24 – May 10, 2014
Venue: Grotto Fine Art Ltd, 2/F 31C-D Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm (Closed Sunday & public holidays)
Artist Reception: 5.30pm – 8pm, April 23, 2014 (Wed)
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Venue: Grotto Fine Art Ltd, 2/F 31C-D Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm (Closed Sunday & public holidays)
Artist Reception: 5.30pm – 8pm, April 23, 2014 (Wed)
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4-7 October 2013, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth H3 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
4-7 October 2013, presented by Grotto Fine Art,
at the booth H3 of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
中大藝術 The Art of CUHK 2013 :
5月23日-26日 JW萬豪酒店 於Fabrik Contemporary Art 2803 房
Asia Contemporary Art Show
May 23rd – 26th, 2013, JW Marriott Hotel, Hong Kong
presented by Fabrik Contemporary Art in room 2803 at the Asia Contemporary Art Show
May 23rd – 26th, 2013, JW Marriott Hotel, Hong Kong
presented by Fabrik Contemporary Art in room 2803 at the Asia Contemporary Art Show
An exhibition of the winning works, finalists and a selection of other shortlisted works will be held at the Wheelock Gallery in Queensway, Admiralty, from May 17th to June 2nd. The exhibition is open to the public daily from 11am to 7pm, and admission is free.
《個展》: 葉漪嘉、沈軍翰、 何冠廷、 熊輝
" Solo " - Yip, Shum, Ho, Hung
2013.03.25- 04.12
Exhibition Date:
2013.03.25- 04.12
Hui Gallery, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Opening hours of Hui Gallery:
9:30am-4:30pm (Monday to Friday); 9:30am-12:00noon (Saturdays); Closed (Sundays and Public Holidays).
2013.03.25- 04.12
Exhibition Date:
2013.03.25- 04.12
Hui Gallery, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Opening hours of Hui Gallery:
9:30am-4:30pm (Monday to Friday); 9:30am-12:00noon (Saturdays); Closed (Sundays and Public Holidays).
《生物工厂》- 凌佩詩、熊輝、羅家南聯展
"The Factory of Organisms" - group exhibition of Ling Pui Sze, Hung Fai, Bosco Law
開幕 Opening
2013.03.11 19:00-20:30
About the Exhibition:
Endings and beginnings are always happening at the same time.
In this endless cycle, things grow, reproduce,
mutate, evolve, or merge randomly, infinitely.
Therefore, only following the path of variation can we decode the design of nature.
With imaginations and re-creations, they are our feelings,
emotions, languages, and scientific observations about the world.
Exhibition Date:
Hui Gallery, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Opening hours of Hui Gallery:
9:30am-4:30pm (Monday to Friday); 9:30am-12:00noon (Saturdays); Closed (Sundays and Public Holidays).
雙個展: 禤善勤 | 熊輝
Double Solo Exhibition: Chris Huen Sin-Kan | Vito Hung- Fai
展覽日期: - 禤善勤作品展
20/2 - 2/3 2013
- 熊輝作品展
4/3 - 28/3 2013
展覽地點: 香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館
開放時間: 星期一至五: 8:20am-10:00pm
星期六: 8:20am-7:00pm
星期日: 1:00am-7:00pm
Exhibition Dates: - Chris Huen Sin-Kan
20/2 - 2/3 2013
- Vito Hung- Fai
4/3 - 28/3 2013
Venue: Ch’ien Mu Library, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:20am-10:00pm
Sat: 8:20am-7:00pm
Sun: 1:00am-7:00pm
繼續閱讀/continue reading...
20/2 - 2/3 2013
- 熊輝作品展
4/3 - 28/3 2013
展覽地點: 香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館
開放時間: 星期一至五: 8:20am-10:00pm
星期六: 8:20am-7:00pm
星期日: 1:00am-7:00pm
Exhibition Dates: - Chris Huen Sin-Kan
20/2 - 2/3 2013
- Vito Hung- Fai
4/3 - 28/3 2013
Venue: Ch’ien Mu Library, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:20am-10:00pm
Sat: 8:20am-7:00pm
Sun: 1:00am-7:00pm
繼續閱讀/continue reading...
《變奏》- 熊輝水墨作品展
展覽日期: 2013年 2月19 - 3月21日
展覽地點: Fabrik Contemporary Art Gallery,香港灣仔,港灣道一號,會展廣場辦公大樓M層, Gallery十二室
開幕時間: 2月19日 下午 6:30-8:30
開放時間: 逢星期二至星期六 12nn-6pm
展覽地點: Fabrik Contemporary Art Gallery,香港灣仔,港灣道一號,會展廣場辦公大樓M層, Gallery十二室
開幕時間: 2月19日 下午 6:30-8:30
開放時間: 逢星期二至星期六 12nn-6pm
"Variation" by Hung Fai, Vito
Exhibition Dates: Feburary 19 - March 21, 2013
Exhibition Place: Fabrik Contemporary Art Gallery, 12 Art One, M/F Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Plaza, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Opening Date: Feburary 19, 6:30-8:30 pm
Opening Hours: Tue - Sat 12nn-6pm
Exhibition Place: Fabrik Contemporary Art Gallery, 12 Art One, M/F Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Plaza, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Opening Date: Feburary 19, 6:30-8:30 pm
Opening Hours: Tue - Sat 12nn-6pm