熊輝為本地水墨藝術家,專注於當代水墨的範疇進行創作。對中西媒介進行探索和實驗,重新演繹水墨藝術,並發展出一套獨特的技法及表現形式。作品藉着解構傳統水墨媒介的元素,以概念重塑繪畫,賦予其新的意義及可能性。其大膽嘗試,使他在學期間已數度獲獎。2013 年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,同年獲得香港藝術大獎 2013 優異獎,現為全職藝術家。
熊輝為本地水墨藝術家,專注於當代水墨的範疇進行創作。對中西媒介進行探索和實驗,重新演繹水墨藝術,並發展出一套獨特的技法及表現形式。作品藉着解構傳統水墨媒介的元素,以概念重塑繪畫,賦予其新的意義及可能性。其大膽嘗試,使他在學期間已數度獲獎。2013 年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,同年獲得香港藝術大獎 2013 優異獎,現為全職藝術家。
展覽日期:2014 年 4 月 24 日至 5 月 10 日
開放時間:早上 11 時至晚上 7 時 (週日及公眾假期休息)
展覽地點:嘉圖現代藝術 Grotto Fine Art–中環雲咸街 31 號 C-D 2 樓
開幕時間:2014 年 4 月 23 日 (三) 下午 5 時 30 分至 8 時
開放時間:早上 11 時至晚上 7 時 (週日及公眾假期休息)
展覽地點:嘉圖現代藝術 Grotto Fine Art–中環雲咸街 31 號 C-D 2 樓
開幕時間:2014 年 4 月 23 日 (三) 下午 5 時 30 分至 8 時
Movement – Hung Fai
Grotto Fine Art takes pleasure to present Movement, a solo exhibition of Hong Kong ink artist Hung Fai. On display will be two series of ink paintings, Splash and Wild Grass. Hung conceptualizes ink in Splash series through experimenting technical repertoire other than using brush to control ink traces. With the use of an original diffusion system, he speculates the possibility of painting with free flow of ink. Wild Grass chronicles the heterogeneity marginalized in mainstream historical narratives. In an attempt to explore the nature of Chinese ink in both series, Hung mediates his aesthetics with the contemporary use of the fundamental elements of traditional Chinese ink painting.
Born in Hong Kong in 1988, Vito Hung Fai has developed a deep interest in painting since childhood. He received a bachelor in Fine Art from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013. With his bold experiments in ink, Hung was fairly awarded in academy and won the Hong Kong Art Prize 2013 (Merit).
Born in Hong Kong in 1988, Vito Hung Fai has developed a deep interest in painting since childhood. He received a bachelor in Fine Art from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013. With his bold experiments in ink, Hung was fairly awarded in academy and won the Hong Kong Art Prize 2013 (Merit).
Date: April 24 – May 10, 2014
Venue: Grotto Fine Art Ltd, 2/F 31C-D Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm (Closed Sunday & public holidays)
Artist Reception: 5.30pm – 8pm, April 23, 2014 (Wed)
Venue: Grotto Fine Art Ltd, 2/F 31C-D Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
Hours: Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm (Closed Sunday & public holidays)
Artist Reception: 5.30pm – 8pm, April 23, 2014 (Wed)